The demands of digital transformations require organizations to quickly build standalone solutions to address market demands. Modern approaches to integration encourage keeping the domain-specific applications separate, mapping between the domain vocabularies as needed, while using an integration layer to standardize information exchange.
Read MoreAll organizations will follow course to meet the forces of change and disruption, or be interrupted by those that do.
Read MoreEQengineered has had a busy summer delivering data, modernization, and design engagements.
Read MoreData engineering Q&A with EQengineered’s Chief Data Officer, Ranjan Bhattacharya.
Read MoreEQengineered is excited to announce that we are a Microsoft Partner | Silver Application Integration.
More creative solutions to fixing legacy technical debt run the risk of adding extra tech debt by themselves, but done right they can be staged, allowing new work to begin in an ideal way and leaving the conversion of old code free to be scheduled with feature enhancements.
Read MoreIs your enterprise technology built in a modular way? Can you modify or replace a component without affecting other parts of the technology architecture? Is your technology platform built with plug and play elements to allow for rapid change and adaptation to business and customer forces? Do you employ Agile processes to make calculated changes incrementally?
Read MoreTalking through engineering fears is the best way to put a team at ease, and if there really is an impediment to what feels like a great plan, it's always best to know about it up front.
Read MoreAn organizational application should be capable of being a first-class player as a macro-service before any suitable candidates are selected for carving away into their own microservice. Net new functionality can then be written as microservices if desired, and the decision-making and risk mitigation of planning refactors will be enhanced by the certainties an up-to-date and well-supported enterprise application can provide.
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Digital transformation is an organizational initiative. Teams that have successfully undergone digital transformation find that partnering with technology outsourcers and customers increases success.
Read MoreAs digital has matured, organizations realize that execution is the output of an effective team culture, experience negotiating perpetual change, a thirst for currency and learning, and an effective decision-making framework.
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