Highights from the Microsoft .NET Conf 2022 Keynote & .NET 7 Launch by Mark Hewitt

Today, the Microsoft.NET Conf kicks off at 11am, a three-day, virtual developer event co-organized by the .NET community and Microsoft. This year .NET 7.0 launched at .NET Conf 2022, and attendees were able to celebrate and learn about the new release. Microsoft is also celebrating the .NET Conf's 12th anniversary.

  • Day 1 is all about the big news, .NET 7! Join the .NET team on all the new things you can do with the latest release.

  • Day 2 (tomorrow/Wednesday) is where Microsoft dive deeper into all the things you can do with .NET and our 24 hour broadcast begins.

  • Day 3 (Thursday) continues the all day and night broadcast with speakers around the world in their own time zones.

Source: https://www.dotnetconf.net/

Here are a sampling of the speakers (view all at https://www.dotnetconf.net/speakers)

Key Insights from the .NET 7 Release: Build anything with a unified platform.

Mark Hewitt