3 Key Topics: Digital Business, Enterprise Modernization, & EQengineered

Fireside Chat with EQengineered’s CTO, Julian Flaks.

1. As enterprise organizations continue to transform and become digital businesses, what are the key technology areas on which they should focus to enable growth and the ability of the enterprise to compete and thrive?

I believe siloing of knowledge is the number one blocker to transformation, even greater than technical debt. Enterprises bring a scale to technical problems that layers complexity but also means a huge amount of facts and understanding can play a part in what might otherwise be very simple activities. The first step is having enough understanding in the teams maintaining systems, with continuity planned for when resources move on. The second is to mature that to documentation.


2. There is a lot of enterprise discussion about modernization. What are the key technology challenges being faced in today's environment and how can organizations overcome these obstacles?

Modernization means different things to different organizations, but the common theme is the overcoming of hurdles put in the way by technical pieces which have either aged to where they're a liability, or which may have even been a mixed blessing when first adopted. Technology begins with promises and benefits, but can become encumbrances, even if just because they're things preventing the gain of newer benefits such as the cloud. Large organizations have a lot of puzzle pieces to move around, and some moves will help specific challenges, but the real answer is patient execution of a common plan, done with enough diligence and understanding not to cause more problems in the process.


3. Who is EQengineered, what are EQengineered's core competencies, and what makes EQengineered unique in the marketplace?

EQengineered is a design, development and management consultancy geared towards the enterprise. We've recognized that to be a truly valuable partner, we need to bring experience and structure that lets us go deep into complex problems. When we're able to get through the boundaries of siloed knowledge, that's when we're best able to help organizations with the challenges of scale.

Mark Hewitt